At Sky Hunters, we study each project carefully, and only accept the ones we can deliver. You won’t get disappointed from us; we maintain our commitment, and fully satisfy our Clients and Candidates about what we do and the way we do it.
In all our projects, senior industry experts, highly contribute to the success by understanding the client's needs and internally working with our team;
Client Managers, with proven experience in the industry and on similar projects, liaise with the Client to make sure all the needs are currently satisfied;
Consultant and researchers, professionals with relevant experience in the market, are able to quickly connect to the relevant people needed and to their networks;
Intelligence is able to obtain in-depth market info and share them with the Client, so that strategic decisions can be made based on real market feedbacks, best practices and practical business cases;
We include digital technologies that are developed in-house to support all processes.
A few examples of our work
Company operating in the aero structure, aerospace, airborne systems, defense and security field on worldwide scale
Position requested: head of uav division
Challenges: potential candidate had to come from previous experiences in big companies with headquarters in Europe or usa
Results: 100 candidates reached, position filled
Leader company in the field of avionic development and production providing solutions related to power management, intercom, actuation and display systems
Position requested: commercial director
Challenges: very specific field with only few resources that matched the required standard criteria provided by the customer