From the prodromes of the aviation and aerospace industries, although obviously in different periods, development has been based on two main elements: TECHNOLOGY and FINANCE.
Today, the paradigm has shifted strongly by bringing out a third key element, HUMAN RESOURCES, or, better said, HUMAN CAPITAL.
The first assumption we should consider is: human resources (talents) are no longer available at any time.
The main question should be: WHY?
The pandemic has forced companies in the aviation and aerospace sector to slow down drastically and to try and reduce their mass by reducing production, laying off employees, and introducing -even abruptly- smart working.
All these elements produced a change in people, and we know very well that with every action comes a reaction!
People have completely shifted the focus of their desires, moving their interests to their physical and psychological well-being and seeking greater involvement in the company.
Companies should take into consideration two factors: Great Resignation and Smart Working.
Several academic researches highlight that the percentage of voluntary resignations among employees reached double digits values.
Smart working is still within the main evaluation criteria for employees. Within a standard 5 days working week, 2/3 days of smart working now represent more value than a higher salary.
People’s mindsets changed completely and today the labor market is no longer driven by the sellers (companies), it is driven by the buyers (people).
Today, topics like Talent Retention, Talent Acquisition, and Onboarding play a fundamental role for any company operating in the aviation & aerospace sector.
Talent retention today is based on totally different paradigms from those of the past. Paradigms are the result of the mindset change that happened in the past two years.
Is your company aware of it and conscious of the new paradigms?
The talents your company needs are probably no longer outside your door. Search should be global and based on precise identification (countries, companies, profiles).
Is your company ready for global searches and to attract talents?
Engage candidates and make them feel part of the new project and the new team to make sure they stay as long as possible.
Has your company developed a suitable onboarding program?
Aviation, Aerospace & Defense companies should quickly become confident with new paradigms for talent retention, a new approach for searching talents by adopting a global approach based on Task Force strategy, and considering that “the better the onboarding is and the longer the retention will be“.